Upcoming Dates

 Monday 15th April School Closed – National Holiday (Batalla   de Rivas)
 Wednesday 17th April Secondary Parent – Teacher Meetings: 1:00   pm –   4:00   pm (see below for details)
 Thursday 18th April IGCSE Award Ceremony – 8:20 am, Auditorium
 Monday 22nd April Start of Book Week

Juan Santamaría Day
On Thursday of this week, our Learning Community celebrated the Batalla de Rivas with two wonderful actos cívicos.  Highlights included our Year 2 students putting on a play entitled ‘A Night at the Juan Santamaría Museum’ and our Year 9 students performing a play entitled ‘The National Campaign’.
Representative teams
Coach: Luis Diego Loría
The women’s basketball team has had a series of friendly matches with positive results against Colegio Humboldt and Colegio Metodista.
The U13-U15-U17 (Y5-Y12) boys’ categories have also played against Humboldt, Methodist and Santa Catalina schools, with outstanding leadership and commitment, as well as in the morning and afternoon training sessions. Both categories are working hard ahead of our Sports Festival in May.
Coach: Daniel Guerrero
The students have participated in the institutional and circuit eliminatory of the Student Sports Games division. We would like to highlight and congratulate our representative team on Wednesday 10th of April:
Antonio Higuera – Y2B … Debora Soto – Y2C … Felipe Soto – Y2A
Luciana Berridge – Y2A … Mariana Hernández – Y2C
Sebastian Robles – Y3C … Luna Kamm – Y5A
Tiago Núñez – Y5A … Tamara Núñez – Y8A
Coach: Juan Diego Cerdas
On Saturday 13th of April there will be Taekwondo sparring training in order to prepare our students for the belt change in June.
We have started our participation in the La Amistad 2023 Tournament.
Our categories and coaches are:

CategoryYear groupInstructor
 Girls A Y10-Y12 Arturo Robles
 Girls B Y7-Y9 Jean Carlo Gómez
 Girls – General Y4-Y6 Daniel Guerrero
 A Y10-Y12 Arturo Robles
 B Y8-Y9 Arturo Robles
 C Y6-Y7 Gerardo Gómez
 D Y5 Gerardo Gómez
 E Y3-Y4 Arturo Robles

Upcoming matches
Friday 12 April
Girls B (Y7-Y9) BSCR vs Golden Valley 8:30 am
Boys Cat B (Y8-Y9)  BSCR vs IEM  11:30 am
Tuesday 16 April
Boys Cat D (Y5)  BSCR vs Golden Valley  10:00 am
Girls A (Y10-Y12)  BSCR vs Golden Valley  11:00 am
Boys Cat A (Y10-Y12)  BSCR vs Golden Valley  12:00 pm
All these matches will take place at the BSCR and parents are welcome to come along and support us.
Clubs – Information to parents
We are in the final stages of testing the clubs and extra-curricular activities website, which aims to share upcoming events, daily club activities, information and contact details of our instructors and photographs of the different activities we run. For club specific information please email clubs@bscr.ed.cr.
BSCR 2024 Grand Classic Race, XXXV edition
The registration process for the race will be enabled next week and a specific bulletin will be sent out with all the information.
Race date: Saturday 18th May
There will be activities such as cardio dance, inflatables and the traditional football matches between alumni, parents and teachers. Save the date and join us!
Cuba trip
This week our staff and students returned from our 2024 visit to Havana, Cuba. The visit was an educational and cultural exchange visit involving students from music, art and other departments. 13 students took part in the music classes with Cuban musicians and 6 art students worked alongside Cuban artists during the week to prepare musical pieces and artwork to show in a public performance and exhibition in a local restaurant.  Our students came back tired from a week of hard work but also very excited about their experiences in Cuba. This is a trip that we have done several times in the past to give the students the opportunity to work with professional artists and musicians and also to learn about the rich culture of the island. During the week they spent time in Old Havana seeing the 500-year-old colonial architecture as well as the Art Deco buildings of Vedado. Many of the students exchanged numbers with the Cubans that they worked with during the week with the aim of keeping in touch with them. We hope that we are able to continue offering this opportunity to more of our students in the future.
Digital Well-being
As a School we are committed to promoting a safe educational environment for our learning community. During Monday’s assembly, Primary students were presented with an introduction to the topic of digital well-being, which will be repeatedly reinforced throughout the school year in classes in all year levels. Students actively participated in the assembly with a range of comments and questions about device use, passwords, parental controls and recommendations related to screen time.  Thank you to our IT Department and Primary IT Coordinator, Lidia Gutiérrez, for leading our efforts in this important area.
Kindness, Respect and Responsibility Campaign
The first week of Quarter 2 has seen our Primary SDS Department launch a ‘Kindness, Respect and Responsibility Campaign’.  This campaign will see our Early Years and Primary students participate in a number of activities throughout the quarter aimed at promoting kindness, respect and responsibility.  We encourage parents to talk to their children about these important topics, as well as the activities that they are doing in class related to these themes.
Book Week (Monday 22nd – Friday 26th April)
Plans are already well underway to provide a range of exciting activities for Early Years and Primary students to celebrate Book Week (which also incorporates World Book Day on Tuesday 23rd April). As part of the week’s activities we would like to request your support with the following two activities:
1. Costume Dress Up Day (Friday 26th April) – Students are highly encouraged to come dressed up as their favourite fictional book character. Where possible, we kindly request that the students bring in the book that corresponds to their character. There will be certificates and recognition for the most creative costumes and we will host an internal parade so that children get to see each other’s costumes.
2. Reading Time with Dads (Monday 22nd – Friday 26th April) – A number of recent research articles have highlighted the positive impact that fathers can have on their child’s educational attainment, with time spent reading being noted to be particularly beneficial. We would like to take this opportunity to exclusively invite dads, or grandads, to come and read to their children / grandchildren. If you are interested, please contact your child’s Form Teacher to arrange a mutually convenient time to visit the class.
Lincoln Model United Nations
At the end of the first quarter, our BSCR MUN Team participated in the Lincoln Model United Nations 2024. Congratulations to the following successful delegates for their participation in the conference:
Best Delegates:
Verónica Delgado Jiménez (Year 7) / Roberto Zúñiga Casado (Year 11)
Honourable Mentions:
Rania Canales Bensofía (Year 11) / Manuel Chacón Rojas (Year 8) / Francisco Gutiérrez Zúñiga (Year 8) / Mariano Ramos Barquero (Year 8)
Verbal Mention:
Lucía Herrero Chavarría (Year 9)
We would also like to congratulate Matías Ugalde Rivas (Year 8) and Gabriela Martínez Arana (Year 9) for their impressive performance in their respectives committees.
International Football Tournament
Congratulations to Matías Sandoval (Year 9) on his participation in the MIC International Football Tournament which was held in Costa Brava, Spain, during the Easter Break.  Matias’ team, Fútbol Consultants, participated against 62 other teams from around the world which included the academy teams from Liverpool, Barcelona and Atlético de Madrid.  His team won all of their games until the round of 8 where they were eliminated on penalties.
Historical Fiction Writing Competition
We would like to invite all aspiring authors and history enthusiasts to showcase your creativity and storytelling skills in our Historical Fiction Writing Competition, held in celebration of Book Week at BSCR!
How to Participate: Write an original prose (short story, chapter from a novel, empathic response) part of a play, diary, journal entry, letter or graphic novel) that is set in the past and blends storytelling with historical fact.   Submit your entry to rloughery@bscr.ed.cr by midnight, Wednesday 24th of May.
SAT Exams (Year 11 and Year 12 students only)
The next SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) of this year will be on Saturday 4th of May at the school. The registration deadline is Friday 19th of April.  The test costs $103 and should be paid online.  2024 test dates and deadlines are listed in the following link: International SAT Dates. The test is now digital and students can use their own computers and Ipads.  Please click on the following link for practice and preparation information –  SAT Practice and Preparation Information  We recommend that students who register for the first time to take this test, coordinate a meeting with Ana Lourdes Baumgartner, University Counsellor to complete the registration procedure. 
The SAT is a standardized test, administered by The College Board, that many universities around the world, but especially in the United States, take into consideration as either a requirement or as an optional part of the university application process. Should you have any question please contact Ana Lourdes at abaumgartner@bscr.ed.cr.
Parent-Teacher Meetings
We would like to remind all Secondary parents that Parent-Teacher meetings will take place on Wednesday 17th of April between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm.  If you have not signed up for a meeting slot already (either virtual or in-person) you can do so through our Parent-Teacher meetings site.   We also remind parents that, in order to facilitate these meetings, classes for all Secondary students will end at 12:00 pm on Wednesday 17th of April.  Classes for Early Years and Primary students will not be affected.