Upcoming Dates 

 Wednesday 14th February  Friendship Day
 Thursday 15th February  Year 11 IB Geography field trip to Ciudad  Colón
 Friday 16th February  Year 11 IB Art field trip to multiple San José  museums
 Friday 23rd February  No Classes – Staff Training
 Saturday 9th March  International Fair


Parent Council – 2024
We are pleased to share that the Parent Council for 2024 has now been created and is made up of the following year-level Parent Representatives:

EY1:           Gabriela Santiago                           Year 6:           Catalina Bruce
EY2:          Carolina Jiménez                             Year 7:           Mónica Rojas
EY3:          Alexandra Serizier de Cadillo          Year 8:          Gloriana Echandi
Year 1:      Javier Berrocal                                  Year 9:          Rocío Zamora
Year 2:      Stephanie Hudson                            Year 10:        Elena Prado
Year 3:      Manuel Soto                                      Year 11 IB:    Gabriela Llobet
Year 4:      Laura Gómez                                     Year 11 NB:   Priscilla Somarriba
Year 5:      Indiana Corrales                                Year 12:         Syomara Bremont

We would like to thank each of our Parent Representatives in advance for volunteering to serve as a communication channel between their allocated year group and the School’s Administration.  Meetings for the first quarter will take place between the 27th of February and the 1st of March.  Therefore, if there are any topics of general interest (i.e. not of interest to individuals or a small group of students/families – such topics should be addressed with the relevant staff member directly) that parents would like to raise then please let the relevant Parent Representative know ahead of these meetings. 

Friendship Day
On Wednesday the 14th of February, the British School Community will be celebrating Friendship Day.  In recognition of this, we invite all members of our community to come to school dressed in either white, pink or red on this day.


Year 5 Camp
Our Year 5 students are currently participating in our annual Year 5 Teambuilding and Leadership Camp.  Students left on Wednesday morning for the La Montaña Christian Camp and will return on Friday afternoon – Photo 1 / Photo 2 / Photo 3 / Photo 4 / Photo 5

As we near the end of our third week of classes, our students are already fully immersed in their STEAM projects.  Students have been asked to create a hypothesis and then undertake research to identify facts that will answer the question they posed.  Students have also created their own representations of tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, tornados and others.

Photo Week – Early Years and Primary
Photos for our annual yearbook will be taken on the following dates for all students.  We ask parents to please ensure that their children attend school in the regular school uniform on their assigned day:

Early Years 1:             Tuesday 13th February
Early Years 2:             Tuesday 13th February
Early Years 3:             Thursday 15th February
Year 1:                        Thursday 15th February
Year 2:                        Tuesday 13th February
Year 3:                        Tuesday 13th February
Year 4:                        Friday 16th February
Year 5:                        Thursday 15th February


Country Day – MUN 2024
We would like to congratulate the following students on their achievements at last weekend’s Country Day Model United Nations:
Best Delegate:                         Roberto Zúñiga (Y11D)
Honourable Mentions:            Rania Canales (Y11C), Leonardo Jiménez (Y11A), Cristel Haaversen (Y11D)

Class Presidents
We would like to congratulate the following students on being elected to the position of Class President during last weeks’ electoral process.  Each Class President then creates the ‘Directiva de Sección’ for each class – the full list can be accessed here: Directiva de Seccion.  We are now in the process of creating our Tribunal Electoral Estudiantil (TEE) which will oversee the electoral process for our 2024-25 Student Council: 

            A         B          C
Year 6 Daniel Mora Héctor Brenes Isabel Obón
Year 7 Jimena Bravo Alberto González Nathalie Lipschitz
Year 8 Paulo Montero Santiago López Stefano D Arsie
Year 9 Camila Vázquez Camila González Alegra Tristán
Year 10 Bryanna Bolaños Gonzalo Gutiérrez William Allan
Year 11 NB Ariella Chaves    
Year 11 IB Isabella Moya (11D) Ally Lin Maripaz Asís
Year 12 Sarah Thomas Gabriel Jiménez José Ernesto Villagra

Congratulations to Alberto Mora (Year 10B) on his performance at the II National Tennis Tournament of the Costa Rican Tennis Federation.  Alberto came second in the singles tournament and emerged victorious in the doubles tournament – Photo

Photo Week – Secondary
Photos for our annual yearbook will be taken on the following dates for all students.  We ask parents to please ensure that their children attend school in the regular school uniform on their assigned day:

Year 6:            Wednesday 21st February
Year 7:            Monday 19th February
Year 8:            Monday 19th February
Year 9:            Wednesday 21st February
Year 10:          Wednesday 21st February           
Year 11 NB:    Thursday 22nd February
Year 11 IB:      Monday 19th February
Year 12:          Tuesday 20th February