Secondary Uniform

  • Only uniforms purchased from the vendor authorised by the school will be accepted
  • Altered or modified uniforms will not be allowed.
  • Students may wear a plain white t-shirt with no designs or colours under the uniform shirt and tucked into pants so it is not visible.
  • For specific classes, such as Physical Education, students must wear the appropriate uniform in accordance with the established regulations.
  • For field trips outside of school, students must wear the official school uniform (visits to museums, theatres, cinemas, factories, etc.). However, if these excursions are to places such as beaches, rivers, mountains, or fields of study, students must wear appropriate clothing as directed by the teacher, department, or other school regulation.
  • It is strongly recommended that students wear a sun-hat during outdoor activities and outdoor PE classes, as well as any other activity in the sun like field trips, field research, etc.

* Early Years official blue shirt has the official school shield

** Official navy sweater will be ready to order in December

*** Early Years 1 and 2 regular uniform shorts are the same as the Official PE navy shorts

Skorts will be available in most sizes for primary. However, larger sizes for secondary students will take 2 months to deliver after order is made due to lack of knowledge of demand.

  • Official blue polo shirt
  • Plain navy sweater **
  • Official navy trousers
  • Official navy shorts
  • Official navy leggings
  • Official navy skorts (skirt/shorts)
  • Black shoes made of leather or similar synthetic material and suitable for everyday school activities. Fabric sneakers or tennis shoes are allowed as long as 90% are black
  • Official blue PE shirt
  • Sun-hat (Strongly recommended for outdoor activities)
  • Official PE navy shorts
  • Official navy leggings
  • Sport tennis shoes – (any colour)
  • Graduation class can choose the colours for their last year of school. One main colour and a separate colour for collar and sleeves.
  • Graduation students may choose one nickname for their shirts. Nicknames must be approved by the Head of Secondary and the Deputy Head of Secondary.
  • Graduating class shirts are official school shirts and must be ordered through the authorised vendor Uniformes Tonka.
  • (Caution of warning: Y10 students choose late in October the year before whether to do IB or NB and have until 2 weeks after they start Y11 to switch. Under these circumstances we cannot guarantee nor our authorised vendor that shirts will be ready for the beginning of the school year.
  • Official navy trousers
  • Official navy shorts
  • Official navy leggings
  • Official navy skorts
  • Black shoes – (made of leather or similar material and suitable for day-to-day school activities) Fabric sneakers or tennis shoes are allowed as long as 90% are black


  • Due to COVID-19 the School will be relaxing its School Uniform for the School Year 2023. Therefore, all “OFFICIAL” items must be purchased from the Official School Suppliers – TONKA. “OPTIONAL” items can be purchased separately either from TONKA or another supplier of the parent’s choice. However, we ask that colours specified are adhered to and any variations to the above items are not permitted. Note that changes to the official school uniform requirements will not be allowed (see the School´s Discipline Code for more details).
  • The School Uniform as stipulated above must be worn every day. The School will inform Parents and Students which are the special days when the uniform will not be required.
  • Students are allowed to wear a plain white T-shirt with no designs or colours under their uniform shirt and tucked into their trousers so that it is not visible.
  • Plain sweaters of any colour are allowed and can have a small indiscrete, none offensive logo. Other logos that promote illicit substances, discrimination or are in poor taste will not be allowed.
  • All items must bear the Student’s name. The School does not assume responsibility for any lost items.
  • Below is information and instructions on how to purchase School Uniforms online with TONKA.


The purchase of the Official School Uniform is only available Online from the TONKA Shop.

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